
International legal relations

Long before the beginning of what we now understand to be globalisation, law did not end at national borders. The supervision of cross-border legal relations has therefore been part of our field of activity for years.

Questions may arise, for example, in the following circumstances

Ihr Unternehmen liefert an eine englische Kundin ein Aggregat zum Einbau in eine noch herzustellende Maschine. Obwohl die Kundin trotz Mahnung den Kaufpreis noch nicht gezahlt hat, will sie das Produkt an die Endabnehmerin liefern. Sie erhalten die Information, dass der in den Verkaufsbedingungen vereinbarte Eigentumsvorbehalt nicht wirksam wäre, weil nach englischem Recht hierfür eine gerichtliche Eintragung notwendig sein soll. Sie wollen die Auslieferung der Maschine verhindern und benötigen rechtliche Hilfe.

  • Your company supplies an English customer with an aggregate for installation in a machine that still has to be manufactured. Although the customer has not yet paid the purchase price despite being reminded, she wants to deliver the product to the final customer. You receive the information that the reservation of title agreed upon in the terms of sale would be invalid because, according to English law, a court registration is required for this purpose. You want to prevent the delivery of the machine and need legal assistance.
  • You receive the notification that you are the heir of a person who has died in Switzerland. You want to know to what extent you are considered an heir, how the inheritance is taxed in Switzerland and how a transfer of assets to Germany can be issued.
  • Your company receives an offer from its Austrian sales partner to establish a joint venture to create a joint production facility in Slovakia. How is the partnership agreement to be designed in order to secure your rights in the best possible way? Should the company be founded under German, Austrian or Slovakian law?

We do not claim to be able to advise you in foreign law. Rather, we work according to the “domain principle” i.e. the handling of the matter is left to a competent law firm we are familiar with. However, we accompany you and guarantee good communication as well as the clarification of outstanding questions.

However, with our long-standing foreign cooperation partners, especially in the United Kingdom, France, Austria and Switzerland, we are able to provide all necessary information within a short period of time and, if necessary, to take legal action at the local courts. Although we have our main focus on legal relations with England, Wales, France, Austria and Switzerland, mainly due to the practical circumstances, we are also able to deal with other cases abroad. This applies particularly to legal relations with Belgium and Italy, where we also keep in touch with law firms that have proven themselves.