
Our Competencies

For many years the main focus of our work has been on commercial law (trade law and company law, labour law, competition law), on civil law, including the enforcement of receivables of various types, as on family law, criminal law and administrative offences law.

The number of our lawyers allows us to work beyond the main focus mentioned above. We provide competent guidance in a significant number of areas of law. As a result, we offer you a team of lawyers, specialised in different fields, substantial advice, and representation, including legal representation at ordinary courts and specialized courts. We can use the experience and knowledge of our lawyers to your advantage – to give you a head start.


What we do for you e.g. as an entrepreneur

We help our clients with legal matters arising from self-employment or business activity. particularly in the core areas of commercial and company law, business contracts as well as public service and labour law, but also in matters of intellectual property law. A long-term agreement enables you to use our services on short notice and without complications.


How we assist you e.g. in daily life

Legal matters that affect you in your private life may be as diverse as life and social relationships. Whether it is about a contract of employment or its termination, rental issues or problems with property, repairs of vehicles as well as traffic accidents, adoratory letters or warnings due to copyright infringements, a prenup, a divorce or alimony, a last will, power of attorney or an advance health care directive and so on. There are uncountable possibilities of being affected by legal issues in order for you to be needing legal advice or representation. Hence, we offer our competent and reliable service also in regard to those private legal affairs.


When receivables are overdue

The very substance of an effective specialization is to support enterprises in managing their receivables, which also includes recovering overdue receivables. Even if you are not able to match your request with one of the above mentioned areas, send your request anyway. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Für Ihr Anliegen scheint nichts dabei?

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Gesucht - gefunden oder nicht? Ihr Anliegen fällt nicht unter einen der hier aufgeführten Schwerpunkte oder Sie wollen Sie genau wissen, auf welchen Rechtsgebieten wir an Ihrer Seite stehen können? Hier eine Liste aller Themen, die wir bearbeiten:

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All areas of practice

Our Competencies

Wir bieten Ihnen mit einem Team von mehreren in verschiedene Fachrichtungen spezialisierten Rechtsanwälten seit 1977 eine umfassende Beratung und Vertretung einschließlich Prozessvertretung vor den Gerichten der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit und den Fachgerichten.

Labour law, service agreements, commercial agents

Problems arise in work life day by day. So, as an employer or as an employee, you are confronted with questions of labour law more or less regularly.

Immigration law

For a legal stay in Germany, you as a foreign citizen need a proper status, which can be gran- ted to you in various forms.

Banking law

Banking law particularly reflects the impact of European and national consumer protection rules.

Data protection law

The data protection law is intended to help informational self-determination, ensure privacy, and establish the security of legally protected secrets.

Family law and inheritance law

Since our foundation, a special focus has been on family law.. Through several specialised lawyers we advise and represent you in family and in inheritance law.

Legal claim

If you have overdue receivables, you need a partner who has the necessary experience in the assessment and realisation of possible recovery.

Real estate law

Real estate law and capital investment law have a long tradition with us, and often a common one. We take care of property developers and sales companies as well as questions of investor protection.

International legal relations

Long before the beginning of what we now understand to be globalisation, law did not end at national borders. The supervision of cross-border legal relations has therefore been part of our field of activity for years.


Kapitalanlagerecht hat bei uns Tradition, vor allem hinsichtlich Immobilienkapitalanlagen, Wir haben uns um Bauträger und Vertriebsgesellschaften im Bereich des Absatzes von Wohnungsimmobilien genauso gekümmert wie um Fragen des Anlegerschutzes, vor allem bei Immobilienkapitalanlagen.

Purchase and contract law

The purchase and contract law is part of contract law and is regulated in the German Civil Code. In these core areas of civil law, we are supervising commercial traders and contractors as well as consumers.

Real estate agent law, private building law, neighbouring law

These areas are part of the "total care" in legal matters for your property, which we provide for you.


Mediation is a modern, professional and tried and tested method of resolving conflicts with the help of a neutral, third person (the mediator), aiming for win-win solutions for the conflicting parties.


Das Medizinrecht bildet bei uns keinen Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt, in ausgewählten Angelegenheiten dieses Bereiches können wir Ihnen dennoch kompetent dienen.

Miet- und Wohnungseigentumsrecht

Das Dach über dem Kopf, die eigene Wohnung sind praktisch genauso wichtig wie die Grundbedürfnisse des Menschen. Zu wohnen ist ein existenzielles Bedürfnis, und damit ist das Mietrecht ein besonders sensibler Bereich.