
Labour law, service agreements, commercial agents

Problems arise in work life day by day. So, as an employer or as an employee, you are confronted with questions of labour law more or less regularly.
you are an employer

and you came to the realization that the contracts of employment between you and your long-standing employees are out of date. You want to revise these contracts and adapt them according to changing economic conditions.

you are an employee

your employer offers you compensation in the amount of a six-month salary if you agree to resign from your position at the end of next month.

you are a member of the works counciL

of your company. Some members complain that they are getting little or no subsidies for their travel expenses in comparison to other employees.

Your Company belongs to an Employee association
From your point of view, however, the obligations in the collective agreement are not affordable for your company to their full extent. You want to break away from these regulations of the collective agreement as much as possible.
You are the chief executive officer (CEO)

The promised bonus payment and profit sharing are not paid.

You are working as a self-employed commercial agent

And you are not informed about the transactions concluded by your activity, which therefore are subject to commission.

No matter whether you have questions about labour or any other service contract law, about protection mechanisms against dismissal, works constitution or about labour agreements. We will answer your question on short notice and find an individual solution.